Loa 3.04m (10’ – 0”)
Beam 1.37m (4’ – 6”)
Draft 0.178m (0’ – 7”)
Apprx. Dry Weight 39kgs (85lbs) Rowing Version
These plans are for the "WINCHELSEA 10". The pictures above show two great examples from first time builders. A very similar looking larger version of her 8’ sister, continuing with the clinker style hull, 6 planks per side, multi-purpose Rowing/Motor or Sailing dinghy that can be used as a tender to a yacht or larger vessel or for a day of fun on the local water. She is 10’ - 0" in length, 4’ - 6" beam and designed to be as light as possible for her size and construction. Although she could be carried on the roof rack of a large car, she is far more suited to a small trailer. She will also take a small lightweight outboard 2hp - 3.5hp for motoring up and down the local river, canal, harbour or around the local lake. Electric outboards are an option with this boat too. The plans detail the transom outboard pad to add strength. Built in buoyancy bags can be added by enclosing the seats or fitting inflatable buoyancy bags. The plans are available for a rowing/motor or full sailing version or you could build to rowing/motor standard now and add the sail rig later. .
Basic Materials Required
3 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 1/2 sheets of 12mm ply for the moulds and keel/centre frame (unless using 18mm) and transom, plus half a sheet of 9mm or 12mm for the seats, knees and breast hook, or solid timber to fit 6kg Epoxy pack
Available Options
Plans Packages –
Digital Download Plans - From the download option
A3 Printed Workshop Plans - A3 drawings with full instruction manual
Full Size Paper Patterns Plans - Full size paper patterns of the main hull components with full instruction manual
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SKU: Win10A3
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