We have just had a long and successful year. My eldest son joined the business and has made a few changes. Despite my skepticism being a bit of a dinosaur, several new machines to improve the range and quality of what we do have been installed and are all fully working at last. The largest of these was a CNC router which allows us to cut all our own kits in our workshop reducing lead times a little and also means that changes to kit designs and builds are quick and easy to carry out.
We were also working on improving our plans and instruction manuals to make them easier to understand. They will be rolled out in Feruary replacing our older editions.
Some new designs are planned for 2020 along with some model plans and kits of our designs.
We are all looking forward to the new changes taking shape in 2020.
STANLEY SmallCraft will be in its 30th year in March and it all started from a tiny kitchen table business.