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Clinker Plywood Dinghy Designs

Note - We are often being asked where to get the materials required and we can give you details of those on request.

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All our Clinker Plywood designs are listed below

Building your own boat is not as difficult as you might think. With our plans there are no special tools required or difficult joints to cut. We use a simple method to get the component parts dimensions laid out on the plywood sheet(s) and, if you get stuck, we will help you through it with our free email/text/phone help if you need it.

Please Note. The specifications for each design is the as designed detail. The basic materials list, usage, dry weight, engine size, crew number or maximum load weight are given for general guidance only and will vary with individual builds depending on the type and grade of materials used in the build and quantity etc.

Please contact us for any further information and clarification.

Winchelsea 2.2

Loa 2.26m (7’ – 6”)
Beam 1.19m (3’ – 11”)
Draft 0.127m (0’ – 5”)
Dry Weight 22.5kgs (50lbs)

Maximum Load: 500lb (227kg)

Crew: 2 Adults

The Winchelsea 2.2 is available as a kit and as DIY plans. It is a little smaller than the Winchelsea 8 and the planks can be cut from a standard sheet of 2.44m x 1.22m plywood - no scarfing required. It is different from its larger sister as it does not have a long keel which is replaced by a flat keel plank onto which a length of timber and a skeg are fitted. The open edge of the stem is capped with thin strips of wood that are carefully bent round to join at the keel. The flat keel plank makes for an easier build but it is still built in the same way - over a mould. However, it could be built using stitch & tape if you don’t mind the stitch holes. If you’re painting your hull inside and out, this is not a problem but, if you want to varnish your hull then I wouldn’t use it.

Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (8 x A0 sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

asic Materials Required
Plywood – 2 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 sheet of 9mm or 12mm ply for the mould, transom and the seats, for the knees and breast hook. Solid timber lengths for the sheer trim 2.4m or longer. (The mould can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF as a possibly cheaper option). 4.5kg Epoxy pack

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Winchelsea 8

Loa 2.44m (8’ – 0”)
Beam 1.168m (3’ – 10”)
Draft 0.152m (0’ – 6”)
Dry Weight 30kgs (65lbs) Rowing Version

Maximum Load: 500lb (227kg)

Crew: 2 Adults

The "WINCHELSEA" rowing/sailing dinghy. 8' - 0" x 3' - 10" and a dry weight of around 80lbs (36kgs). These are the original plans for this boat as I originally designed it - a multi chine clinker style dinghy that has a variety of uses. It has a keel piece instead of the keel plank to give a more traditional appearance. It can be rowed, sailed or motored and is a sturdy little vessel. The plans also include the sailing rig details. The size of this boat means you can't get the length of the planks from a single sheet of plywood so you have to "scarf" (join) a small piece to 4 of the 6 planks. Full details in the plans. 

 Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (10 x A0 or large sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

Basic Materials Required
2 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 sheet of 12mm ply for the moulds and keel/centre frame, plus half a sheet of 9mm or 12mm for the seats, knees and breast hook, or solid 18mm thick timber to fit, The moulds can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF as a possibly cheaper option. Then the keel can be made up from a smaller sheet of 12mm ply although still 2.4m in length.
4.5kg Epoxy pack

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Winchelsea 10

Loa 3.04m (10’ – 0”)
Beam 1.37m (4’ – 6”)
Draft 0.178m (0’ – 7”)
Apprx. Dry Weight 39kgs (85lbs) Rowing Version

Maximum Load: 700lb (317kg)

Crew: 2/3 Adults

These plans are for the "WINCHELSEA 10". The pictures above show two great examples from first time builders. A very similar looking larger version of her 8’ sister, continuing with the clinker style hull, 6 planks per side, multi-purpose Rowing/Motor or Sailing dinghy that can be used as a tender to a yacht or larger vessel or for a day of fun on the local water. She is 10’ - 0" in length, 4’ - 6" beam and designed to be as light as possible for her size and construction. Although she could be carried on the roof rack of a large car, she is far more suited to a small trailer. She will also take a small lightweight outboard 2hp - 3.5hp for motoring up and down the local river, canal, harbour or around the local lake. Electric outboards are an option with this boat too. The plans detail the transom outboard pad to add strength. Built in buoyancy bags can be added by enclosing the seats or fitting inflatable buoyancy bags. The plans are available for a rowing/motor or full sailing version or you could build to rowing/motor standard now and add the sail rig later. 

 Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (10 x A0 or large sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

Basic Materials Required
3 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 1/2 sheets of 12mm ply for the moulds and keel/centre frame (unless using 18mm) and transom, plus half a sheet of 9mm or 12mm for the seats, knees and breast hook, or solid timber to fit 6kg Epoxy pack

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Winchelsea 12

Loa 3.81m (12’ – 6”)
Beam 1.52m (5’ – 0”)
Draft 0.177m (0’ – 7”)
Dry Weight 64kgs (140lbs)
These plans are for the "WINCHELSEA 12" now has full size patterns and is easier to build with a keel plank  instead of a long keel. The A3 plans will keep the long keel for now as some people prefer it.

Still very similar looking larger version of her 8’ sister, continuing with the clinker style hull, 6 planks per side, multi-purpose Rowing/Motor or Sailing dinghy that can be used as a tender to a yacht or larger vessel or for a day of fun on the local water. She is 12’ - 6" in length, 5’ - 0" beam with an approximate dry weight of around 140lbs (64kgs). Not really suitable to be carried on a roof rack, she is easily trailed and launched. She will also take an outboard 2.5hp - 3.5hp for motoring up and down the local river, canal, harbour or around the local lake. Electric outboards are an option with this boat too. The plans detail the transom outboard pad to add strength. Built in buoyancy can be added by enclosing the seats or fit inflatable buoyancy bags. The plans are available for a rowing/motor version. The plans include the details on how to adapt a rig that would suit this boat and a Mirror dinghy has been adapted to this hull.

Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (14 x A0 sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

Basic Materials Required
6 x sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 1/2 sheets of 12mm ply for the moulds and transom, plus a sheet of 9mm or 12mm for the seats, knees and breast hook, or solid timber to fit, (The moulds will become the seat supports. The Transom can be made up from the waste 6mm plywood from planks etc.). 7.5kg Epoxy pack 

Now with Full Size Patterns option

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Winchelsea 1.5 "Little Boat"

A 1.5m (4' -10") mini version of the Winchelsea design.We have built quite a few of these and the uses for this little boat are many - a garden ornament, planter, indoor feature, book shelf unit, wedding or exhibition centrepiece, a rocking boat for kids, toy box, pond decoration and this is just what we've built so far have been used for. Now, we have drawn up full size patterns and step by step instructions package so that you can build your own. The plans show how to make it as a garden ornament or planter, as above, which could also be displayed indoors. It has been used as a wedding centre piece and even in as a TV show prop. Details of how to add rockers, with their dimensions, which turn it into a rocking boat for the younger sailors to enjoy on dry land are included. You can add a little pair of oars too.

The step by step instruction manual, 2 A0 plank patterns sheets, 6 A3 sheets of drawings and dimensions which details how to build this great little boat from 3/4 a sheet of 4mm and 1/2 a sheet of 6mm ply, solid wood seats and a couple of lengths of stripwood.


 Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (3 x A0 or large sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

It is built in the same way as the full size version so it could be useful as a trial build before you try a full size boat of this type of build.


Rother "Mini Gaffer"

LOD 2.49m (8’ – 2”)
Beam 1.27m (4’ – 2”)
Draft (With average load) 0.17m (0’ – 6.5”)
Dry Weight (apprx) 34kg (75lbs)
Max. Load 250kg (550lbs)
Sail Area 3.53sq.m (38sq.ft)

Although this boat is still aimed at the first time DIY builder, the rig requires a bit more thought. She is built in the same way as the standard boat over a simple build frame but she has certain refinements such as a rounded stem. This design is too large for the planks to be got from one sheet of standard plywood and scarfing is necessary, however, the plans describe a simple method of doing this. There are two options for this boat, but both are a sailing dinghy. She could be built as a rowing boat but, as the bowsprit and deeper keel would be a bit out of place, you could build the dagger board option and not fit any of the sail rig. There is one rig option with either the standard triple keel or a dagger board. It is also possible to build this boat using the “stitch & tape” method of construction and plans can be arranged for this.
She can be fitted with an outboard motor of between 1.5 and 3hp. Electric outboard motors are also an option and one I prefer. A tough little boat that can be trailed to the water and then easily launched and recovered but the triple keel version. Beach with care if at all with this version as it was primarily intended as a deep water boat and designed for Rutland Water and the dagger board version should be used if she will often be taking the ground - board up first of course.
The plans manual gives details of both underwater configurations, the rig details and added refinements. We suggest with this design that you have a bit of experience with building a rig or sails and sailing before you attempt this boat but, as always, we are on hand to help you via email or phone if you need it. The hull is the same build as the standard boat but the rig is a little more complicated than a single sail.


 Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans only.
Basic Materials Required
4 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, transom, keel, stem piece and bilge keels. Half a sheet of 12mm for the seats, knees and breast hook, or solid timber to fit. The mould can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF as a possibly cheaper option. The transom, keel and stem piece can be made up from 12mm ply or solid wood (Stem Only).
7.5kg Epoxy pack

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Rother 230

Loa 2.26m (7’ – 5”)
Beam 1.19m (3’ – 11”)
Draft 0.115m (0’ – 4.5”)
Dry Weight 18kgs (40lbs)
This dinghy was designed as a simple tender for a yacht. It's size was dictated by deck stowage and it had to be lightweight but sturdy and traditional looking. It has turned out to be a minor success as two were built in Greece before we managed to get the prototype finished and tested where it performed as well as the reports we'd had from Greece.
It has two options for sailing but the dagger board option works best.
Built, surprisingly quickly, using the clinker plywood method over a simple mould frame and then released to fit out with seats and trim etc.
This design is only available as the full complete plans package with drawings, step by step instructions and full size patterns.
This design has been taken on by Paul's Boatshed and they have added their own improvements to it.

Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (7 x A0 sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

Basic Materials RequiredPlywood – 2 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 sheet of 9mm or 12mm ply for the mould, transom and the seats, for the knees and breast hook. Solid timber lengths for the sheer trim 2.4m or longer. (The mould can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF as a possibly cheaper option). 4.5kg Epoxy pack

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Romney 2.2

LOD 2.28m (7’ – 6”)
Beam 1.19m (3’ – 11”)
Draft (average load) 0.17m (0’ – 6.5”)
Dry Weight (apprx) 30kg (65lbs)
Max. Load 225kg (500lbs)

The ROMNEY 2.2 is a clinker ply rowing/sailing tender with 7 planks per side. The design is forgiving of minor errors as we show in the plans but accuracy is, as with any DIY build, still important. No scarfing is necessary with this boat. She has a single sail option although the initial plans were for the rowing version but the sailing version is now available. This too is a tough little boat that can be carried on a roof rack of the average family saloon or trailed. Generally in clinker designs, the broadest planks are the garboards and the next plank out from it, the sheer or top plank being perhaps three quarters of their width and the narrowest planks taking up the curve of the hull. In this boat however, the broadest plank is the sheer plank because we felt this helped to make it easier to build.
It also made her a little more pleasing to the eye – in our opinion.
This little boat makes a great tender for a larger boat and will tow nicely too.


Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans only.
Basic Materials Required
2 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, keel and transom for the rowing version. 1 sheet of 12mm ply for the mould, knees and breast hook, or solid timber to fit, (The mould can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF if preferred. The keel can be made up from a smaller sheet of 12mm ply although still 2.4m in length). This boat could be built in 4mm plywood planking for a lightweight boat for very light use.
4.5kg Epoxy pack

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Sondes 230

Loa   2.26m   (7’ – 6”)
Beam   1.135m  (3’ – 9”)
Draft   0.127m   (0’ – 5”)
Dry Weight   22.5kgs   (50lbs)

Max Load   227kg   (500lbs)

The Sondes 230 is available as DIY plans, a kit and as the complete custom built boat. It is a little based on the Romney 2.2 but has a plank added. All the planks can be cut from a standard sheet of 2.44m x 1.22m plywood - no scarfing required. It was designed as the Winchelsea 2.2 with the long keel section replaced by a flat keel plank onto which a length of timber and a skeg are fitted. The open edge of the stem is capped with thin strips of wood that are carefully bent round to join at the keel. The flat keel plank makes for an easier build but it is still built in the same way - over a mould. However, it could be built using stitch & tape if you don’t mind the stitch holes. If you’re painting your hull inside and out, this is not a problem but, if you want to varnish your hull then I wouldn’t use it.

Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (7 x A0 sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).

Basic Materials Required
Plywood – 2 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 sheet of 9mm or 12mm ply for the mould, transom and the seats, for the knees and breast hook. Solid timber lengths for the sheer trim 2.4m or longer. (The mould can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF as a possibly cheaper option). 4.5kg Epoxy pack

Watch Bell

Watch Bell Pram 8

Length - 7' - 8" (2.34m)
Width - 4' - 0" (1.22m)
Dry weight of 50lbs (23kg).
Crew - 2/3 Adults
The WATCH BELL 2.3 Pram Dinghy is a great little boat that we already sell as a kit but as it has been our production boat for a while we didn't sell the DIY plans - till now. She will row, motor or sail and has plenty of room inside for a boat of this size, ideal for learning to sail. These boats are easier to build than a stem dinghy of the same length, have more room and are often more stable.
The boat is built in plywood with a 6mm planked hull with 12mm transoms and 6mm framed bulkheads. The bulkheads form part of the buoyancy tanks fore and aft and should have the holes for small hatches to be fitted to allow for airing the tanks plus giving you somewhere dry to stow things while on the water.  There is also buoyancy built in under the centre thwart.
The hull is built using the "Lap Stitch" method of construction which quickly gives you the hull shape, held together with wire stitches or cable ties and then the laps are filled with epoxy. It is built upright either on the floor or on support beams at height that is easy to work at. The second option is better as it allows easier squaring and levelling of the hull later.
The boat can be built as a rowing, motor or sailing dinghy or all three! The basic hull can be built to row or motor with the sail rig added later which is an option with almost all of our designs. We can supply you with a professionally made sail as an extra. Some people think this type of dinghy is ugly but, when you consider that you get more space inside your dinghy and a more stable dinghy with this design, perhaps it might start to look more attractive.


Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans or plans with Full Size patterns (8 x A0 sheets of plank, bottom, stem, transom and frame templates).
Basic Materials Required
3 ½ sheets of 6mm very good quality exterior or preferably marine grade for the hull. 5kg Epoxy pack

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Sandpiper 12

Length - 12’ - 2” (3.71m)
Beam - 4’ - 2” (1.27m)
Dry Weight - 80lbs approx. (36.29kg)
Load - 2 Adults plus 1 or 2 youngsters.
(Rows well with just 1)


Available as digital or A3 Workshop plans only.
Basic Materials Required
4 sheets of 6mm exterior or marine grade for the hull, 1 sheet of 12mm ply for the moulds and keel/centre frame, plus half a sheet of 9mm or 12mm for the seats, knees and breast hook, or waste from 6mm plywood or solid timber to fit, (The moulds can be made from 12mm chipboard or MDF as a possibly cheaper option. Then the keel can be made up from a smaller sheet of 12mm ply although still 2.4m in length).
6kg Epoxy pack


Fairlight 406

Loa 4.06m (13' - 4")

Beam 1.05m (3' - 6")

Dry Weight (approx.) 45kg (89lbs)

Height fwd 0.575m (1' - 10.7")

Height aft 0.480m (1' - 7")

Height Amidships 0.415m (1' - 4.3")

Crew 3 or 4 adults


Basic Materials Required:

3 Sheets of 4mm Plywood

1 Sheet of 6mm Plywood

6 kg/ltr Epoxy Pack plus Fillet (glue) Additive

Fibreglass Tape


This is a unique boat in ability - paddle, row, motor or sail it!!

A lightweight boat for its size - being far lighter than a similar fibreglass or plastic canoe.

You can choose to build the paddling & rowing, motor or the sailing version, the choice is yours. The paddling & rowing version has no hole for the rudder/engine and no dagger board case. The motor version has the addition of the hole for the engine and a suggested battery position. The full sailing version has the hole for the rudder, the mast support and dagger board case added. 

She was designed originally for a family holiday where two wanted to be able to paddle, one wanted to row, my wife wanted to use our electric motor and my daughter and I wanted to sail. I had to find a way of making it do all four! Plus, it had to be transported on our roof rack so dry weight had to be kept to under 50kg. The Fairlight Sailing Canoe was the result. 

Performance wise, while one adult can paddle this boat, it is far easier and moves better with two - one forward, one aft. Rowing her was easy and she moved along nicely without too much effort. We only had an old 12v electric outboard with 24lbs thrust to test her with but this proved to be ample. It was a pleasant glide down the canal and she was responsive when it came to turning and manoeuvring. She performed well even with the small sail and the dagger board case didn't get in the way. The tiller configuration took some getting used to but it worked well. All in all, a great all round boat. 


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