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All Canoes

Note - We are often being asked where to get the materials required and we can give you details of those on request.

For Digital Download Plans Options, see Download page.

See the Stitch & Tape boat building method building a canoe here.

All our Canoe designs are listed below. Click on design name for more details.
Peasemarsh, Newmarsh, Dengemarsh, Ryemarsh, Burmarsh, New Bay canoes & the Serena motor canoe plus the Fairlight canoe/dinghy 

Building your own canoe is not as difficult as you might think. With our plans there are no special tools required or difficult joints to cut. We use a simple method to get the component parts dimensions laid out on the plywood sheet(s) and, if you get stuck, we will help you through it with our free email/text/phone help if you need it.

Please Note. The specifications for each design is the as designed detail. The basic materials list, usage, dry weight, engine size, crew number or maximum load weight are given for general guidance only and will vary with individual builds depending on the type and grade of materials used in the build and quantity etc.

Please contact us for any further information and clarification.


The Peasemarsh Open Canoe Range

All the sizes have the same lines just different lengths and widths along with the ability to carry more the larger they get. Their performance has proved to be better than I expected, they track well even in a breeze with choppier conditions and are quite stable. All were designed to be paddled while kneeling but, as is far more popular these days, seats are an option and the plans do detail them. There are bulkheads fore and aft which, along with the decks, form a watertight compartment or buoyancy tanks. These can be fitted with small hatches for storage of valuables etc and to air the compartments when not in use. Alternatively, drain plugs or a simple hole drilled through the base with a cork or rubber bung to stop the water getting in could be used. In any case, some form of drainage should be fitted to them. Sail rigs have been fitted to all the Peasemarsh canoes, even the Peasemarsh 8 but this is not detailed in the plans

Our plans come with a materials list and all the drawings showing how to get the plank shapes onto the plywood or full size paper patterns with full assembly instructions for the build. Plus, email/text/phone help and advice if you need it.

Peasemarsh 8 Open Canoe

This little canoe is a great little canoe which will take an adult sitting on the bottom. When I designed this, it was as a simple build for a charity project but it has proved to be more capable than just that. It performs surprisingly well on the water and will move along at a decent speed. My teenage daughter can make it move quickly down the canal and has yet to capsize despite the way she pushes it. At a little under 8'  at 7' - 7" (2.31m) long and 2' - 2" wide at it's widest point, it is built from just a single sheet of 4mm plywood and some 6mm for the optional bulkheads, which produces very light but capable little boat that will take up to about 11.5 stone (73kg). 

We have had loads of fun with this litlle canoe.

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Peasemarsh 10 Open Canoe

Loa 10’ – 0” (3.05m)  Beam 2’ – 7” (0.79m)  Dry Weight (apprx.) 40lbs (18kgs)  Max. Load (apprx.) 350lbs (159kgs)  Height at Bow/Stern 18"/18" (0.46m/0.46m)   Height amidships 11.5" (0.29m)   Crew 1 plus maybe a small 1.

Designed for a solo adult or two youngsters with good stability for its size.
Basic Materials
2 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m,
3kg Epoxy pack,
1.5ltr Fillet Additive,
20m x 100mm wide F/G Tape,
50 x 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties
2 x 12mm x 21mm x 2.4m Ash, Stripwood or DIY.

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Peasemarsh 12 Open Canoe

Loa 12’ – 6” (3.81m)   Beam 2’ – 9” (0.84m)    Weight (apprx.)   45lbs (20kgs)    Max. Load (apprx.) 400lbs (181kgs)    Height at Bow/Stern  19"/19" (0.48m/0.48m)    Height amidships   12" (0.30m)    Crew    1 plus 1
Basic Materials
3 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m,
3kg Epoxy pack,
 1.5ltr Fillet Additive,
 30m x 100mm wide F/G Tape,
100 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.

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Peasemarsh 14 Open Canoe

Loa 14’ – 6” (4.4m)   Beam 2’ – 10” (0.86m)   Weight (apprx.) 50lbs (22.5kgs)    Max. Load (apprx.) 580lbs (263kgs)    Height at Bow/Stern 21"/21" (0.53m/0.53m)    Height amidships 13" (0.33m)    Crew 2/3

Basic Materials
3 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m,
 4.5kg Epoxy pack,
 2ltr Fillet Additive,
 35m x 100mm wide F/G Tape,
 100 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.

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Peasemarsh 16 Open Canoe

Loa 15’ – 6” (4.72m)   Beam 3’ – 0” (0.914m)    Weight (apprx.) 60lbs (27kgs)    Max. Load (apprx.) 650lbs (295kgs)    Height at Bow/Stern 22"/22" (0.56m/0.56m)    Height amidships 13" (0.33m)    Crew 3+
Basic Materials
4 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m,  5kg Epoxy pack,  

2.5ltr Fillet Additive, 45m x 100mm wide F/G Tape,  

100 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.

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Newmarsh 12 Open Canoe

Length  3.81m  (12' - 6"), Beam    .864m  (2' - 10"), Height Fore & Aft  .559m (22"), Height amidships  .330m  (13.5"), Dry Weight of around  21kg (45lbs). Maximum Load  182kgs  (400lbs), Crew  2

Designed for a day trip or just some fun on the water and to be paddled while kneeling or possibly sitting on the bottom, as I do, but can be fitted with simple plywood seats.
Easily moved about on dry land by an adult with one hand using the centre bar. Just as easily carried by two people to the water
Once on the water you will find this canoe performs well and is relatively stable. It is ideal for a solo paddle but will do just as well with two adults.
This canoe was designed to be built using the Stitch & Tape method but it can be built using a version of Clinker Plywood. The plans currently only detail the Stitch & Tape build but the other option will be added soon.
It can be built in either 4mm or 6mm plywood and when finished, is a very good looking craft - in my opinion.

Basic Materials Required
3 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m, 6kg Epoxy pack, 3ltr Fillet Additive,
50m x 100mm wide F/G Tape, 150 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.


Piicture courtesy of the builder - Adrian Little

(Sail rig details not included in plans)


Pictures show one completed on one of our "in house" boat building courses


Dengemarsh 10 Open Canoe

Length 10' - 0" (3.048m)    Beam 3' - 0" (0.915m)    Depth (midships) 1' - 0" (0.305m)    Height fwd/aft 1' - 7" (0.483m)
Dry Weight (approx.) 38bs (17kgs)    Crew 1 Adult or 2 Children
An open “Canadian” style canoe along the lines of the Peasemarsh design but with an additional plank each side.
There is optional buoyancy fore and aft enclosed with a flush fitting deck.
It goes together easily and quite quickly and once completed, looks good and gives good performance on the water.
Designed to be paddled with 1 adult  or 2 children while kneeling but a seat(s) could be fitted.
Basic Materials Required
2 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m, 3kg Epoxy pack, 2ltr Fillet Additive,  25m x 100mm wide F/G Tape, 50-100 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.

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A great DIY build from O. G. Wragg, Tasmania, Australia

Dengemarsh 12 Open Canoe

Length 12' - 6" (3.81m),  Beam 2' - 9" (0.84m), Depth (midships) 1' - 0.5" (0.32m),  Height fwd/aft 1' - 7.5" (0.49m),  Weight (approx.) 44lbs (20kgs),  Crew 2 Adults
Built-in buoyancy fore and aft that can be fitted with small hatches for storage of valuables etc.
 Can be built in either 4mm or 6mm plywood (though 6mm recommended) and requires between 30 and 40 hours to complete.
 This canoe is ideal for a solo paddle but will also take 2 adults and some gear for day trip or weekend camp etc. or perhaps a day on the water for the kids.
 It goes together easily and quite quickly. Once completed, it looks good and performs well on the water too.
 Designed to be paddled while kneeling but seats could be fitted.
 The build is based on at least 3 sheets of 6mm Plywood (Good exterior grade or better), two 3.5m or 4m lengths of 20mm x 20mm square timber, 1 x 20mm x 40mm x 1m timber (all soft or hardwood), 3kg/ltr Epoxy Pack plus additive and Fibreglass Tape.

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A build by Christopher Munro

Dengemarsh 14 Open Canoe - NEW

Length 14' - 6" (4.42m),  Beam 3' - 0" (0.91m), Depth (midships) 1' - 2" (0.36m),  Height fwd/aft 1' - 9.5" (0.55m),  Weight (approx.) 52lbs (23.57kgs),  Crew 3 Adults, Maximum Load 600lbs (272kgs)
Built-in buoyancy fore and aft that can be fitted with small hatches for storage of valuables etc.
Built in 6mm plywood throughout and requires between 30 and 40 hours to complete.
This canoe is good for a solo paddle but will also take 3 adults and some gear for day trip or weekend camp etc. or perhaps a day on the water with the kids.
It goes together easily and quite quickly. Once completed, it looks good and performs well on the water too.
Designed to be paddled while kneeling but seats could be fitted.
The build is based on 3 sheets of 6mm Plywood (Good exterior grade or better), two 4.5m lengths of 20mm x 20mm square timber, 1 x 20mm x 40mm x 1m timber (all soft or hardwood), 6kg/ltr Epoxy Pack plus additive and Fibreglass Tape.

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Ryemarsh 15 Open Canoe - NEW

Length 15' - 6" (4.064m), Beam 3' - 0" (0.91m),  Depth (midships) 1' - 1" (0.33m),  Height fwd/aft 1' - 8" (0.51m),  Weight (approx.) 44lbs (20kgs),  Crew 3 Adult (Plus gear), Maximum Load 600lbs (272kgs) 


This open canoe was designed in 2001 but the plans were not listed some years ago but a back on now. It was designed for a customer who wanted a canoe for him and his wife to regularly enjoy a leisurely paddle in the canals near their home. They wanted a larger canoe at around 15ft long, able to take at least 2 adults and some gear for day trip plus the odd weekend camp etc. It is built in 6mm plywood and requires around 40 - 50 hours to complete.It goes together fairly easily but not as quickly as it has four planks per side to assemble. Once completed, it is a good looking canoe and performs well on the water with built in buoyancy fore and aft that can be fitted with drain plugs or small hatches to enable storage of valuables etc. Designed with seating positions fore and aft.  


Basic Materials Required  3.5 sheets x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m, 6kg Epoxy pack, 2.5ltr Fillet Additive, 50m x 100mm wide F/G Tape, 100 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.


Burmarsh 13 Open Canoe

Length 13' - 4" (4.064m), Beam 3' - 0" (0.91m),  Depth (midships) 1' - 1" (0.33m),  Height fwd/aft 1' - 7.5" (0.49m),  Weight (approx.) 44lbs (20kgs),  Crew 2/3 Adult (Plus gear)
A simple open canoe designed for a for a solo paddle but also able to take 2 adults and some gear for day trip or weekend camp etc. or perhaps a day on the water with the kids. In the past 3 years it has been converted to sail by several builders now. They have been creative from adding simple out riggers and sailboard sails to adding more complicated rigs.
It is built in 6mm plywood and requires between 30 and 40 hours to complete.
It goes together easily and quite quickly. Once completed, it looks good and performs well on the water too. Has built in buoyancy fore and aft that can be fitted with drain plugs or small hatches to enable storage of valuables etc.
Designed with seating positions at the centre plus fore and aft.
Basic Materials Required
3 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m, 3kg Epoxy pack, 2ltr Fillet Additive,
30m x 100mm wide F/G Tape, 100 4.8mm x 300mm Cable Ties.

New Bay

New Bay 11 Open Canoe

Loa 10’ – 10” (3.332m), Beam 2’ – 6” (0.762m), Weight (apprx.) 40lbs (18kgs), Max. Load (apprx.) 350lbs (159kgs), Height at Bow/Stern 17"/17" (0.432m/0.432m),  Height amidships 12 1/4" (0.311m), Crew 1 adult or two children

Designed for me to go canoeing with my eldest two in their Peasemarsh 10's. Although I could have used my old Peasemarsh 16 that would normally carry me, my wife and the two youngest, I wanted something different just for me so, I designed the New Bay 11 having liked the performance of the 15 previously during trials. The 11 did not disappoint. It was easy to build and performed as I wanted.

Basic Materials Required:

3 sheets of 6mm Plywood (marine grade), 2 x
3m or 4m lengths of 12mm x 21mm stripwood,

1 x 20mm x 100m x 1m timber (all soft or hardwood).

3kg epoxy pack with fillet additive and 20m of 75mm or 100mm fibreglass tape.


New Bay 13 Open Canoe

LOA 13 - 4” (4.064m), Beam 2’ - 10” (.864m), Height fwd/aft 1’ - 7” (0.483m), Height Amidships 1’- 1” (0.330m), Approx. Dry Weight 40lbs (19kgs), Crew 1 or 2 Adults

Designed for customer who wanted a smaller version of the New Bay 15. Following the ilnes of the New Bay 11 and increasing the overall size it turned out to be a great canoe and was produced as a kit and complete build. It was popular as DIY plans too.


3 sheets of 6mm Plywood (marine grade), 2 x
3m or 4m lengths of 12mm x 21mm stripwood,

1 x 20mm x 100m x 1m timber (all soft or hardwood).

3kg epoxy pack with fillet additive and 20m of 75mm or 100mm fibreglass tape.


New Bay 15 Open Canoe

Length 15' - 7" (4.75m), Beam 3' - 5" (1.047m), Depth (midships) 1' - 1" (0.33m), Height fwd/aft 1' - 8" (0.51m), Weight (approx.) 33lbs (15kgs) 4mm Ply - 55lbs (25kgs) 6mm ply,  Crew 2/3 Adult
Based on our Burmarsh and Peasemarsh designs the New Bay Open Canoe has been interesting to design and a joy to test.
It is available as A3 and Full Size Plans package that will detail how to build it as a paddling canoe and adding the sail rig. Plus, details for building it in two halves to allow it to be built in smaller workshops and for easier transportation.
As much at home being paddled as sailing we have found this to be a fun, capable canoe for one or two people to enjoy.
It can be built to paddle first and the rig added later or can be built as the full sailing canoe and, as the rig is de-mountable, you can use it as the mood takes you on the day.
The plans include both the paddling and basic sailing versions.

Basic Materials Required:


Marine grade plywood - 4 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m (Hull, Bulkheads & Decks).
Timber (Ash) - 5 x 12mm x 25mm x 2.4m (Rubbing Strips).
Timber (Stripwood) - 1 x 10mm x 10mm x 2.4m (Deck Supports). 1 x 9mm x 9mm x 2.4m (Flexible Batten).
Timber - 1 x 18mm x 44mm x 1m (Carrying Bar)/1 x 18mm x 100mm x 1m (Yoke).
Cable Ties - 100.
Epoxy Pack - 6 litre medium viscosity general purpose marine resin and hardener.


Fairlight 406

Loa 4.06m (13' - 4"), Beam 1.05m (3' - 6"), Dry Weight (approx.) 45kg (89lbs), Height fwd 0.575m (1' - 10.7"), Height aft 0.480m (1' - 7"), Height Amidships 0.415m (1' - 4.3"),

Crew 3 or 4 adults


Basic Materials Required:

3 Sheets of 4mm Plywood

1 Sheet of 6mm Plywood

6 kg/ltr Epoxy Pack plus Fillet (glue) Additive

Fibreglass Tape


This is a unique boat in ability - paddle, row, motor or sail it!!

A lightweight boat for its size - being far lighter than a similar fibreglass or plastic canoe.

You can choose to build the paddling & rowing, motor or the sailing version, the choice is yours. The paddling & rowing version has no hole for the rudder/engine and no dagger board case. The motor version has the addition of the hole for the engine and a suggested battery position. The full sailing version has the hole for the rudder, the mast support and dagger board case added. 

She was designed originally for a family holiday where two wanted to be able to paddle, one wanted to row, my wife wanted to use our electric motor and my daughter and I wanted to sail. I had to find a way of making it do all four! Plus, it had to be transported on our roof rack so dry weight had to be kept to under 50kg. The Fairlight Sailing Canoe was the result. 

Performance wise, while one adult can paddle this boat, it is far easier and moves better with two - one forward, one aft. Rowing her was easy and she moved along nicely without too much effort. We only had an old 12v electric outboard with 24lbs thrust to test her with but this proved to be ample. It was a pleasant glide down the canal and she was responsive when it came to turning and manoeuvring. She performed well even with the small sail and the dagger board case didn't get in the way. The tiller configuration took some getting used to but it worked well. All in all, a great all round boat. 

Full Size Patterns are now available for this design. It is a large pack containing 10 x A0 sheets of plank and frame templates plus 10 x  A3 drawings and step by step build instructions booklets. 


Serena Motor Canoe

Length 12' - 6" (3.8m), Beam 3' - 9" (1.14m), Depth (midships) 1' - 2" (.35m), Height fwd 1' - 10" (0.56m), Weight (approx.) 50lbs (23kgs),  Crew 2/3 Adult
Based on our Rye Bay designs the Serena Motor Canoe was designed for a customer in1990 but we have never added it to our DIY plans portfolio, till now.
It is available as A3 and Full Size Plans packages that will detail how to build it to row, paddle or motor with a small lightweight 2hp outboard or 30lb thrust electric outboard.. Plus, coming soon, details for building it in two halves to allow it to be built in smaller workshops or for easier storage and  transportation.
As much at home being rowed as motored the original builder used it as a fishing platform on a local lake.
The plans include both the paddling and basic motor versions.

Basic Materials Required:


Marine grade plywood - 4 x 6mm x 2.44m x 1.22m (Hull, Bulkheads & Decks).
Timber (Ash) - 45 x 12mm x 25mm x 2.4m (Rubbing Strips).
Timber (Stripwood) - 2 x 15 x 25mm x 2.4m, 1 x 10mm x 10mm x 1.2m (Deck Supports). 1 x 9mm x 9mm x 2.4m (Flexible Batten).
Cable Ties - 100.
Epoxy Pack - 6 litre medium viscosity general purpose marine resin and hardener.


Want a hand crafted paddle or a yoke for your canoe? Contact us.

Stitch & Tape Designs

Clinker Plywood Designs

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